I’m Mary.
A Qualified Nurse and Advanced Natural Fertility Practitioner.
Based in Jersey Channel Islands, I help clients locally and around the world adopt a natural approach to their fertility management.
Wherever you are on your fertility journey, from puberty through to menopause, Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) can help you understand your cycle and manage it in a natural way.
I’m qualified to help you adopt FAM to track, understand and predict your fertility - giving you the power to be naturally you.
Who is FAM for?
Are you trying to get pregnant but struggling to do it naturally?
Do you want to stop using medication, devices and chemicals to regulate your periods or avoid pregnancy?
Are you frustrated at being told you need spend the next few months or years trying conceive naturally before you are eligible for fertility treatment?
Is your cycle irregular and are you struggling to understand it?
Are you approaching or going through menopause and you’ve got no clue how to track your fertility naturally?
Do you need help following your fertility while breastfeeding?
Well choosing to follow Fertility Awareness Methods can help you address any of these issues in a natural way.
Why work with me?
A lot of people ask why I started focusing on Natural Fertility back in 2013. It was definitely a switch in direction considering I was working as a health care assessor at the time and an even further departure from my days as a Sister at Jersey Hospice Care.
But personal experiences, talking with others and seeing my own daughters grow up meant that women’s health had become a focus in my life and a growing area of interest for me professionally.
My years of practice as a nurse meant I had a solid foundation to start from but it still took a year of study from 2012 to 2013 to get qualified and trained as an Advanced Natural Fertility Practitioner.
7 years on and I still have a dedicated passion for providing quality, informative, and choice based care for women wanting to understand and manage their menstrual wellbeing and fertility in a natural way.
I aim to empower each client to know and understand their own cycle and fertility and use that knowledge to plan or prevent pregnancy. I also want them to be able to understand and monitor their own menstrual well-being as a natural part of their lives so they feel confident to know when to seek medical advice or assistance.
I offer an online or personal appointment practitioner service for women looking to use Natural Fertility Awareness. I also work with couples to help use this method of fertility awareness to enhance their mutual relationship rather than cause difficulties when managing fertility.
It says all over my website that I’m qualified to help you, but let’s get into the specifics:
I qualified as a Registered Nurse in 1982 and maintain my nursing registration with through the Nursing and Midwifery Council.
In 2013, I qualified as an Advanced Natural Fertility Practitioner following the completion of the FertilityUK Advanced Skills Course in Fertility Awareness. This prepares us to work firmly routed in guidelines of the Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Health of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
My practitioner qualification is kept up to date through study days and regular continuing professional development (CPD)
In 2016 I also completed the FPA Contraception a Comprehensive Guide for Practitioners
I also hold a current Health Care Registration (Jersey) Law 1995 certificate.
Professional bodies:
I am a member of the Royal College of Nursing.
My practice (Natural Fertility Nurse Limited) is registered with FertilityUK .
My professional history:
My early nursing years:
I qualified as a general Registered Nurse in 1982 and worked with some amazing teams across the NHS in the north of England, including my home town of Barrow in Furness as well as Papworth, Preston and Carlisle.
Moving to Jersey:
In 1994 I relocated to Jersey Channel Island where I focused on family nursing and palliative care. I worked for Family Nursing, Jersey Hospice Care and also as a bank nurse across health care facilities in the island.
Teaching and training:
In the 2000s I started teaching and assessing for the Health and Social qualifications for City & Guilds. And it was these teaching and training opportunities which laid the foundations for my work in Natural Fertility.
In 2013 I qualified as an Advanced Natural Fertility Practitioner and I have worked with clients ever since.
The launch of Natural Fertility Nurse Limited:
I started Natural Fertility Nurse just before my 40th anniversary as a nurse and I couldn’t be prouder to still be developing my role all these years later.
Natural Fertility Nurse is the first company in Jersey Channel Islands to focus on offering a natural approach to fertility management and to offer Fertility Awareness Methods (FAM) training as a means of preventing or encouraging pregnancy.
If you’re interested in learning more about fertility awareness methods or you want to work with me to adopt a natural approach to your fertility management check out the links below.